
High Lulani


ambitransitive perceptive verb

to feel


Used for emotions and loves, often compounded. Such compounds tend to be adjectival verbs.


ʔusu sacu dissu ’ahati.

。うす さゆ でっす あはて。

1int 2abl feel happiness.

’usu sacu dissu ’ahati.

“You make me happy.”

Derived Terms

dissu’ahati でっすあはて to be happy

dissu’isili でっすいせえ to be sad

dissu’ulanu でっすうわぬ to be aroused

dissutihura でっすてほら to be astonished

dissumalliju でっすまっえよ to be happy

dissumici でっすみち to feel peace

diss·sutti でっすすって to be afraid

diss·samma でっすさっま to feel romantic

abstract noun

youth; newness

Derived Terms

dissuri でっすり stranger

diss·sa でっすさ young person

dissudanagi でっすだなぎ pardon

padissu ぱでっす to learn