
High Lulani


inanimate mass noun


Derived Terms

’alamusa あわむさ sun’s heat

’alaxuhha あわずっは heat of the fire

puci’ala ぷちあわ summer

naffi’ala なっべあわ spring

japa’ala ぢぱあわ haze

cussi’ala ゆっせあわ to feel hot


these are just about the only terms of this type. Anything else uses the genitive.


daqa ’ala

だげ あわ

da-qa ’ala

water-gen heat

“the heat of the water”

abstract noun

temperature degree


This temperature scale is set with 0 0 at absolute zero, and 844 444 at the triple point of water.

In ordinary use, temperatures between 788 477 and 1012 477 are given without the hundreds place.

Numbers in bold are in decimal, numbers in italics are in balanced sesquidecimal.